Sunday, December 30, 2007


Happy New Year!!!

Wishing ALL a Smashing 2008
with Good Cheers & Good Vibes

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Who exactly is Big Bear?

Who is this mysterious bear? Big Bear, can you acknowledge yourself? Kindly let us know and we will send an official invite to you!

Pssst: anyone any idea?

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Look at this Piggy!!

Look at this video below..

Its not just a normal soft toy that you see anywhere in a toy shop!
It can walk and you can hear its oinking sound! Got this as a Christmas present and I like it very much just because of its little moving nose and the oinking sound..

After viewing the video above, anyone of you got any comments? Its Cute right?! haha. FYI, this can be bought from BHG, but i dunno the pricing (so do not ask me how much issit cos its a gift for me.)

P.S: Sorry for the lousy video recorded.. =P

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Dinner @ Marche

We had a smashing christmas dinner @ Marche last Friday. We had lot's of fun there. There was good food to go around and a nice Xmas present exchange! Did you get what you wished for? Hehe

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Yeh!相信大家今晚非常enjoyed hor! 我也玩得很开心。


Errr....可是hor,我又忘了她是谁了(王子的健忘症又犯了)。。。so 我就把她叫做“谁”hor。。

其实我大概已经猜出是谁了,只是看她有没有看我们这个blog lor....果然给我猜中!没看。。











王子的礼物!! 好美的包装。可见花了相当多的时间来包我的礼物。真的是让您多费神了。我真的是 Pai seh wor!

Baby blue 的雨伞!! 很可爱!不过真很可惜,不是我指定的折叠式大伞!因为有点小。不过不用紧,它可以跟我其他collection的伞make frenz wor....So, 帮王子买伞的,你看了也别难过hor。因为这种伞, 真有点难找。不过我在此还是要谢谢你的爱。。


Friday, December 21, 2007

My first Post

First post here after joining.
Dunno what to post, so will just talk about the christmas present ba.

Found this present at Suntec last friday, and wrap it this morning only. haha. Spent 0.5 hour in the wrapping process..
cause haven been doing this for like close to 7 or more yrs lioa.

Hope the person receiving it dun mind the lousy wrapping hor.

Anyway.. in case u are wondering y you cant tell wat the present is. It's because i did a bit of image editing to it.
Else everyone will know what I brought and it wont be a surprise lioa.

ok. Hope i did well for my first post..

Seeya later






so大家get your 屁屁(butt) ready for our 圣诞庆祝会 at Marche 2nite!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007




今天当小王子heng heng抽中所要买的礼物给那位神秘客时,起初还觉得有点头痛因为还真的不知要买什么囖!

该买什么design或pattern leh? 好头痛呀!!

当钟声一响(意思就是说放工啦),我便赶紧跑到Tampines Mall去选购礼物。



希望那位拿到小王子的爱心礼物会喜欢这份礼物(走了整个shopping mall 才决定要买下它).


Thumb Calender for your wallet

Here's an innovative calender for 2008 small enuf (size of a card) to fit into your wallet. You gotta at least print out and cut though.

Here's how to do it. Extracted from original site

  • Find the month you want to read.

  • Use your thumbs to cover the numbers that are not directly below the month header.

  • Note the color of the month header. The last day of the month is rendered in the same color.
  • Monday, December 17, 2007

    投名状 = Warlords?

    "A brotherhood, each member kill an outsider, treat brother's life as life but other's life can be taken. This is 投名状"

    Why they always translate the movie title from Chinese to English differently ? Obviously the translation of "投名状" will be "Nomination".

    But you can't name a movie as "Brotherhood Nomination" right? Then everyone going to watch this movie will become a member of the secret society...(nope...there ain't a balloting exercise for HDB flat)

    Watched this movie last Saturday.

    Firstly, the 3 actors Jet Li, Andy Lau and Takeshi are truly great actors of all time. I do admire them as they are recognised as hard working, philosohpical yet simple person.

    Trust & Betrayal - are the key points in this movie. This is what Brotherhood about and how a person's ambition greed ended up sadly. The ending is what I have not anticipated. When the movie ends, it was a silent moment for people to walk out slowly, together with hearts that filled with sadness.

    Although the movie is consider violent, the battle scenes are truly stunning. You rarely see chinese war epic movie to show the "human parts" flying here and there...or blood splashing all around. U know it's fake, but it's so reaaaaaaaal.....As bonus, you also get to see "dead" people a lot.

    Ya..i can compare this movie to 300 where warriors fight for honour. However, the "love" feeling here is rather raw. Not much was emphasize in between the relationship of Andy, Jet and Andy's wife. Maybe Asian actors are conservative in expressing their "loving" guts.

    Go watch it when you can. Do drop some comments here on how you feel about this movie....

    Sunday, December 16, 2007

    Eh.. Kinda inappropriate

    With all respect to our Malaysian friends, ehh. but i think it is kinda inappropriate to have the "Malaysia Year End Sale" displayed "spectacularly" and "prominently" outside Tangs Bus stop lor.

    Imagine a tourist walking out of Orchard MRT for the first time and see dat. I dunno lor.. Hohoho...

    Saturday, December 15, 2007


    1. 大象不小心踩了蚂蚁窝, 蚂蚁非常的愤怒, 一齐涌出, 爬到了大象的身上. 大象抖抖身子, 蚂蚁纷纷掉落, 还剩一只蚂蚁趴在大象脖子上, 地上的蚂蚁齐声呐喊: "掐死它! 掐死它!"

    2. 一只蚂蚁躲在树后伸出一条腿, 路过的同伴问他: "你在做什么?" 他回答: "妈的! 上次大象欺负我, 我在这里报仇. 等他来了, 我把他绊倒! 摔死他!"

    3. 蚂蚁和大象结婚了, 可没几天大象就死了. 蚂蚁非常伤心, 一边哭, 一边骂: "亲爱的, 你怎么就走在我前面了, 我TMD的这辈子不用干别的了, 就埋你了!"

    Friday, December 14, 2007

    20 Signs that you may be about to Die!

    Here's 20 signs that you may be about to die if u are in any of the situation in the photos..

    Attached some

    See it all here



    什么感觉呢?就好象孕妇突然肚子痛想生"Soha" lor!




    所以今早当我的feeling渐渐消退,我便赶紧去看医生。 希望吃了药快快好。



    在我走之前,我就让大家看一张被大家公认的"FHM hotbod of the Year"

    流口水了吗? 记得lor不要替我打分Wor!



    芙蓉,Here I come!!

    Richard Clayderman - my idol

    I remember my mum always like to hear Richard's music score. It was many years ago when I was still in Secondary school...studying for my Form 5 exam. I took only 3 years to jump to grade 5 piano...only to fail at grade 6 that same year I was sitting for my Form 5 exam. If not for the exam, I would have jump pass grade 8 and aim for my diploma.

    Richard Clayderman was my idol that time...imagine playing his piece and showing off to my friends. He is among the first few pianist playing contemporary music, from Taiwan Emil Chow "爱相随" to many popular music worldwide. It was a great time going his 2005 concert in Singapore.

    He will be coming to Malaysia, Genting this 21 Dec 2007 but I wouldn't be going. Not because of work commitment or $$$$, but the feeling just ain't right now. simply saying "no feel at all"

    The top 4 meets this weekend!

    Prepare for the head-on crunch match of the top 4 from BPL this weekend! Chelsea host Arsenal at home while Manchester United run rampage over Liverpool! Hehehe. Back-to-back timing!

    BPL 07/08: Liverpool Vs Manchester United (Live & Exclusive)
    09:25 PM - 11:30 PM

    BPL 07/08: Arsenal Vs Chelsea (Live & Exclusive)
    11:55 PM - 02:00 AM

    I'm betting my team to walk over Liverpool 3-0! Hohohoho

    Thursday, December 13, 2007

    everyday's lunch time woe

    go where? eat what? upstairs? warehouse? and the latest... morningstar?

    tell me about it.

    It's always GREAT when our kind souls (toobs, BH, EK and sometimes EL) to give us a ride to travel further... out of that god forsaken place for some decent food. BUT it will take us more than the stipulated time of 45mins lunch hour break. Then we'll all be on tenterhooks looking out for that LEXUS SC430, if he's back in office or not.

    Anyway, What's For Lunch Tomorrow?


    Yeh!!!! 一定要有人先开张。。那就由我“小王子”先写。




